Why Peter Power TD (FF) is a disgrace - Political Quote

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Why Peter Power TD (FF) is a disgrace

Deputy Power's stance on Limerick's Bin Waivers is disgraceful.

His party has presided over the privatisation of bin collections.

His party has refused to bring in a national waiver for bin charges for pensioners.

Now he is complaining that when Limerick set up a €500,000 scheme to help pensioners that it is not doing enough.

You are the national legislator Peter, bring a bill before the Dail to start a nationwide waiver or (I am trying to be polite) shut up.

Shame on you Peter Power TD for trying to be popular while you do nothing to help pensioners but put the blame on the councillors.

Your party runs the country you know! But not for long I hope.

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